Monday, April 18, 2011

Palm Sunday

I didn't make it to church at all yesterday. I was bummed about that, but after it took me about 1 1/2 hours to get ready for church in the morning, I realized that if I was moving that slowly it might be best to just stay home. There was also a small group social function at the other campus of my church in the evening, which I figured I could still go to, but didn't make it to that either.
Interestingly though, it was still a better day than most of last week. I'm kind of glad that I chose to use that energy at home though, esp. since today I woke up and am feeling like I am coming down with a cold.
So, back to Palm Sunday. I don't want to miss Easter this year. That has happened to me before and it really stinks. Naturally, I was bummed to miss Palm Sunday since that kind of sets the tone for the week. I put on some Easter music, but that didn't really change much.
This morning, I got up and just put Itunes onto the "DJ" setting and all of a sudden this song comes up "He Never Said a Mumblin' Word". It is all about how Christ did not complain, grumble or defend Himself before Pilate or when He was crucified. The lyrics are simple and repetitive (which means I can actually understand them). Then, later as I was delivering my order listening to the radio in the car, another song popped up about how Christ forgave without admonition; He just simply forgave and let it go.
I want to be like Him. And really, that put my mind onto Easter. Christ really made a huge sacrifice and He did it so graciously, so kindly. He didn't remonstrate or complain when the disciples left Him, when Peter denied Him, and when they doubted Him after He rose again. He just patiently loved. I just can't quite wrap my little mind around His sacrifice and the attitude with which He made it. A gentle lamb.

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