Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Journeys in Faith

As I was typing in the name of my blog to come here and post today, it struck me that I am on a huge journey of faith right now. I mean, really, my whole life is a journey of faith. There is always something new and unexpected around the corner: a new experience, a move, a loss, a gain, a new challenge.
A lot of the journeys are hard. Challenging rather. I don't like the word hard. I feel like it is a word that people use because they don't really want to put in the effort to meet the desired end. At least, in my experience, people often use the word "hard" to mean time consuming. Often the issue isn't that it is actually difficult to do what they want, but it takes more time than they really want to devote.
I write a lot: my blog, my prayer letter, correspondence, chat, editing, new books. People often think that I am so gifted (not necessarily in writing, but in other things like sewing, cooking, etc.), but I think that I am just willing to rise to the challenge. To take that first step and look at the project as a new journey of discovery, about myself, God, His creation, and other people.
I came across this quote the other day in an article a friend sent: "'Inspiration comes afterwards.' ...writers put pen to paper and they start wrestling with words, and that needs to happen regardless of whether or not you're feeling inspired."
It reminds me that sometimes doing something "hard" is more just about getting out there and starting on it and then continuing on it, till it is done. I don't always feel like I have something to say when I write, and sometimes I sit down and find myself inspired, and other times I come up blank, but make myself write anyway. The same happens with most of the other projects I take on. Half the battle is getting myself to start the journey. Once I've started the journey, it may go slow, but I always get to the end somehow.

One of the reasons I'm thinking about this today is that I am feeling intimidated. I have the opportunity to do a couple of taste-testings for a local cafe and a local church next week and suddenly I have cold feet about baking and am losing my confidence in my ability to bring them something unique and delightful that will outshine my competitors. Yesterday I was on top of the world. Took me ages to get to sleep. Today, I woke up wondering what on earth I was thinking!
But, I'm not going to let the fear beat me down. I'm going to take the first step and try to enjoy the journey--without worrying about the end.

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