Monday, October 4, 2010


So, here I am in the middle of Saskatchewan catching my breath overnight so that I can continue my journey tomorrow. I can't believe that I only have one more week of travels left.
Today I went from Fargo, ND through Manitoba and into Saskatchewan. I had wanted to take more time on this part of the trip, but forgot about Canadian Thanksgiving when I was making my original travel plans so had to reshuffle mid-trip. Now I am only in Canada for six days instead of ten, but enjoying them nonetheless.
Today as I was driving through Manitoba I was enjoying the scenery so much (no, that is not sarcastic--thank you). It's been years since I was in the prairies and could see for miles and I had forgotten how much I had missed that and the wind! Somehow the wind is a beautiful thing to me. Ya, it messes my hair, but it can be so gentle and so powerful at the same time.
I saw huge windmills in some areas. Like weird alien implantations and yet these amazing modern sculptures through which we harness the energy of the sky.
Listening to the radio and flipping channels I, of course, came across French channels and was thinking about the Tower of Babel. Thank goodness for that! It has created so much disunity in the world through miscommunication that we haven't been able to put our minds together to really do the really amazing things that we are capable of--and through which we would most likely develop bigger than big heads. White windmills dotting the landscape, harnessing the power of the air is enough for today.

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