Monday, August 23, 2010


I'm in Ohio now. At least, I'm pretty sure I am. Jet lag and time change have been rough this go around. I'm still trying to decide which way is up.
Thankfully, I have a great place to stay with wonderful hosts; I'm being well-taken care of, so life is pretty easy.
On the down side, I went to get my driver's license renewed on Friday and found out that because it is both expired and out-of-state I have to start all over again. So, here I am with a car, people to see and places to go, and a learner's permit! lol
Thankfully, since I am staying right in Alliance it isn't too much trouble for people to come pick me up or drop me off, but it does make me feel like I am 12 again. And handing a learner's over for id is embarrassing too. "No, really, I didn't lose my license, it just expired while I was out of country!"
The earliest they are able to get me in for the driver's test is Friday, which happens to be the day that I need to drive to Johnstown, PA for a weekend of speaking engagements and visits. So, while I wouldn't otherwise have any qualms about doing the test, but just that little bit of pressure makes me nervous. So, although I feel silly for asking, I would definitely appreciate prayers for my license test.
Thankfully, I don't have any other pressing errands and not being able to go out "window shopping" will certainly keep me from spending money! lol

Packing up the last few days before I left went fairly well. I did manage to finish Ellie's quilt before I left and will post pictures soon. My poor roommate is left with the task of finishing packing up. There were a number of things that I didn't get to because of time or because she would still be using them for a couple of weeks after I left. Julie leaves in just one more week as well, so now she has to finish tidying up the apartment and packing all those last minute things. So, I'm sure she would appreciate your prayers too for her last few days and all the last details that need to be wrapped up.

I'm in Ohio for the next 3-4 weeks technically, but out of that time I'll be on the road, Lord willing (and driver's license pending), for 12-14 days. After that I'll head out west via Minnesota and Canada, hopefully arriving in Oregon around October 10.


  1. I've seen you drive, you need the prayers ;) LOL Just kidding, you'll be fine! how many hours away is J, PA?

  2. Nice work. I came across your blog while “blog surfing” using the “Next Blog” button in the Nav Bar at the top of my blogspot blog. I occasionally just check out other blogs to see what others are doing.
