Friday, August 13, 2010

A Little Bit of Random

So many thoughts flying around my little head. I'm packing up to leave for the States. Working on Ellie's quilt. Trying to finalize the work on Doctrines on Christ and His Kingdom. Saying good-bye to friends. Taking care of last minute apartment things (you know, like paying the rent). Finalizing travel arrangements in the States. Seeing the chiropractor.

I would definitely appreciate your prayers for the next few months as I'll be traveling most of that time.
Right now, specific prayer requests include packing--that I wouldn't forget anything or miss anything. That I'd be able to see everyone I need to before I leave. That I would have the physical stamina and general freedom from pain/fatigue so I can wrap things up well. Emotions--it is sad to say goodbye to people (like family and I have other friends who are moving away right now) that you don't know when you'll see again.
And as I travel that everything would go smoothly and my bags would all come through with me.
For my time in Ohio visiting family and churches and friends.
For my driver's license! It expired in March, so I am just under the wire to renew it, but there are some other complications--so just that that would all come through easily.

On the praise side, I have gotten a lot done int he last few weeks. Despite set backs work on the course is progressing and the end is in sight. I found a shipping possibility so that I don't have to pair down to the bare minimum--airlines have dropped baggage limits a lot in the last few years--we now can only take about one-third of what we used to be able to.

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