Monday, July 5, 2010

Office Update

Today was a hard day.
After much deliberation we decided to go ahead and let one of our girls go. This isn't entirely unexpected, just a month earlier than we had planned. But it was still hard. Lena is a single mum with a little girl and a fairly unsupportive family. And of course, knowing that made it all harder. She has been with us for a couple of years and has always been willing to take on whatever projects I throw at her, despite being a very timid person.
I'm very involved with all of our people, and we are a close group. We really work to have a good atmosphere and encourage good relationships between people, so this is hard on some of the rest of our staff as well and I am sure morale will take a dip as they realize that the future is already arriving.
I would appreciate your prayers for me this week and for our staff that we would keep our spirits up and remember that disbanding the office is really a good thing because it means we are coming to the end of this project. And pray for Lena and her daughter, Darina (7). Lena needs a new job, but it is difficult for her to find one because of needing to look after her daughter and having difficulty finding day care options. Lena is a teacher by profession.

I would also appreciate your prayers for mum and I as we give it our best effort to complete the English version of the doctrine course this week. There were some set backs and I am a little behind, but we really need to complete it this week, so please pray that God will bless us with the ability and stamina to do that. Everyone else's work depends on us completing it in English, so there is a fair amount of pressure here.

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