Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Pretty and Fun

We celebrated my birthday this weekend. One of my gifts was a new camera which several of my family got together to give me! :) So, I've been trying to put it to good use and hopefully will have more opportunities to do so over the next week.
Here are just a few pictures to start. I'm still learning all the ins and outs of my new fancy schmanzzy camera, so please bear with me.

First up we have a couple of coconut cakes that I made for my office and ladies prayer group for my birthday/Easter. And down below are the roses that my dad gave me for my birthday! :)


  1. Happy belated birthday! The cakes looks so gooddddd, oh again, you are so talented. Love the pictures and roses that your dad gave you. What a great present to be getting a new camera. Is it a slr or a compact one? Enjoy!!

  2. It's a compact one. I'll never be a photographer, so small and simple is all I need. Although this has video and even zoom on the video, so...
