Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Two days can make such an amazing difference in the world here! I didn't go out on Sunday and on Monday when I went to work it was amazing how green everything was! The buds have turned into leaves, flowers are already dropping off the trees and no longer are all the apartment buildings visible in all their grayness. With no more bare branches the whole world looks fresher and cleaner! It has been raining a lot here, and I do confess that I am ready for the skies to clear and show us some sun. But nevertheless, it is nice not to have to bundle up against the cold all the time, it is amazing how just a few degrees can make such a difference.

This weekend is Easter and I am looking forward to going to my sister's to celebrate. It will be lovely to be with the kids again, but mostly I am looking forward to the sunrise service on Easter morning. It is such a sacred time. The day will be full of other activities and fellowship, which I will also enjoy very much, but those few moments in the morning set the tone of joy for the whole day!

1 comment:

  1. I'm afraid a sunrise service at 5 a.m. would NOT be a sacred experience for me and the tone that it would set for the day... well, disastrous!! ha ha ha ha ha ... but I am SO JEALOUS that you get to spend time with Pris and the kids... please please please take TONS of photo's!! and show them how to look up ours on radiantchristians.com :) I do all that stuff on there for you guys :)
    Much love to you!
