Thursday, March 6, 2008

A Praise

So, I was tlaking to mum th other day and I realized that since I have had my braces I have not yet had a migraine from my TMJ! This is huge, I've used a retainer for ten years to avoid those migraines and I was uncertain about having braces because I knew I wouldn't be able to use my retainer (even though the braces are to solve this particular problem by realigning my jaw, hopefully). I'm thankful.
And I really am doing better every day. It takes time and I wear out quickly, but I am having less migraines and am gradually building up energy. :)
Thanks for praying for me!


  1. Glad to hear it our cutie patootie :)

  2. That's good news Es. Hope you are doing well in other ways too. Guess we won't be seeing you before we leave, April 10th. Anyway, stay in touch. Our blog is
