Thursday, December 27, 2007


Well, I have my braces. Just on my top teeth though. All I can say is, "Owie, owie, owie." :D It's like have a retainer that doesn't quite fit right and not being able to take it out of your mouth! Hopefully it will be worth it though with less migraines long-term. I'm a little concerned that short-term (like the next 6-12 months) I may end up with more migraines as my teeth move and I adjust to sleeping without my retainer which has helped so much with those migraines.
I should be clear, I get migraines for at least three or four different reasons and usually each reason has its own intensity level and particular style of pain. I think I should sign myself into a research institute. They could probably learn a lot about migraines from studying me. :P
Anyway, please do pray that these braces will be a positive change and despite the pain in my mouth that I will not get those migraines again while the adjustments are being made.

Oh and I have a HUGE praise! Our out-of-office translator found some of the files that we were missing for the New Testament Survey textbook and he sent those in! That means he didn't have to retranslate them which would have been a huge loss of time for us.
And please pray for me as I do evaluations with all of our staff over the next two days.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Esther,
    I got my upper braces in April and lowers in June. I have had a migraine every day since. My neurologist has increased my preventative medications but to no avail. I'm wondering how you are doing now. I hope and pray you have experienced relief! God is good all the time.
