Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Fried Bananas

Thumbs up from me. Definitely worth it! :D I haven't had fried bananas for soooo long and last night decided to make one on whim. I don't even normally eat bananas except in smoothies! It was great.
I'm really enjoying having internet at home. I do tend to live on my computer a bit, but I don't think that will last long. Right now I am enjoying chatting with friends and family and having internet at home means that I can do that despite time change.

The last few days have been rather stressful for me as I had to adjust to being "it" at the office. Meaning that with both mum and dad gone, I'm the answer person for everyone. Generally it has gone well and since we have gotten them off we're settling into a bit of a routine, which hopefully means that I'll be able to get some of "my own" work done. I often arrive at the end of a day feeling like I haven't accomplished anything because I've been so busy helping everyone else accomplish their work. But this week I have actually opened up some of the files that I need to finish for New Testament Survey 2 before it is sent off to the translator, so that is a good start! And it is only Tuesday. Of course, I won't be here on Friday because of Thanksgiving, but...
I would very much appreciate your prayers as I manage the office in the next month. We've made some changes in job descriptions and implemented a few other changes and it is now my job to see them through and make sure that people are doing what they are supposed to do. Naturally, this is not always a pleasant task and I actually already had to deal with one little "situation" yesterday and I see several more cropping up on the horizon. I love managing the office in general, but it is never fun to have to be the one who metes out discipline. Please pray that I would be wise, gentle and godly in my handling of the situations as they come up and also that I would be able to put the necessary stops into place so that these kind of situations do not arise more than necessary.

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