Saturday, July 7, 2007

Home sweet home! Well, more or less. I made it to Sam and Melissa's today. Finally! It's wonderful to be here. Odd, I'm such a home body and yet when I am on the road I enjoy that too. I guess, I get worn out from traveling and eventually need some time alone, but I do love spending time with people!
I've met old friends and new ones. I just want to say, "Thank you!" to everyone who put me up on this trip. I had such limited time, I would have loved to stay in BC and Calgary much longer. Perhaps next time...
I'm going to download some pictures from my camera later and I'll try to post them a bit later. Or now:

This one is from the prairies, has the moon in it, but you can hardly see it. It is just above the trees.

And this one is from the mountains (in case you couldn't figure that out :D ). Alberta side, not BC, that's the next one.

I wish I had more and better pictures, but these are what I have for the moment. It was incredibly beautiful!!!
Can't wait to see the coast.

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