Saturday, July 21, 2007

Coming in for landing...

So after a two week hiatus I'm BAAAAAAAACKKKK!
Please do not run from the room in terror.

It's been a fun two weeks. Most of the time I was in Oregon at my brother's place. I actually got to hang out with both of my brothers, my sister-in-law and my niece!
So this is me and Matt on the Oregon coast, and yes, that is the Pacific Ocean. And of course the second pic is Sam and Melissa and Vienna at the same spot. It was a nice relaxing time, but I got to see a variety of different places from one of the outlet malls to the coast to Mount Hood (although only in the distance) and the Rose Gardens in Portland.

Beyond that I spent a lot of time with Melissa and the baby while the boys worked. Vienna now has had the wonderful experience of hanging out with Auntie Es. >:) I have to admit that I am a proud Auntie. It was a blast to be able to hang out with the boys for a few days. It was sure hard to leave though. :(
Love you guys!

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