Monday, June 4, 2007

Blog Title

So, I keep getting comments about the title of my blog. Most people seem to read it "Journey sin faith" rather than "Journeys in faith". Having a sick sense of humor I kind of like the sin one. I feel that it describes my life well: I'm on a journey that is full of sin and faith. But mostly I just think it is funny. I'm glad I didn't catch that option before I created my blog, I wouldn't be having so much fun now! ;)
But really the title I chose grew out of my life. I'm forever traveling, hence "journeys". But my life is also a series of steps of faith and most of my traveling is related to my faith journey.

You know, it is totally amazing to see where I have come from and where I am at now. This is not how I envisioned my life. Gallivanting from one place to the next, meeting people and then having to leave them again, being involved in a church-planting/leadership training ministry. I guess, I often just feel like I've led more of a man's life than a woman's life. And maybe in this day and age it is not such an uncommon life for a woman, but it is just not what I was raised to expect. I thought I'd have a home and a family, you know, the whole wife and mother routine, the faithful supporter and sidekick. But I'm not sure that I would trade what I have now for that. I love who I am and what I do! Ya, I do miss having a home and sometimes I ache for lack of my own family, but then again, I know that what I am doing is helping to change the world. It has the potential to affect literally hundreds of thousands of people (and then some). I love that!
I love knowing that I am spending my life for a purpose. It's not just about my own pleasure or money or whatever, it is about influencing the world for God.

I have a great job!

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