Wednesday, January 4, 2012

A New Journey!

This last year has been full of journeys, from the kind you take in a car or airplane to the kind you take with your heart or mind. The journey that I have been on most recently is one the incorporates a little of both of those, but is primarily a journey of the heart.
Ken and I
In October I met the man that God has for me. We met on eharmony which sets you up to get to know each other well in the emotional sense. As soon as we could we met in person and things just took off from there. I've never talked on the phone so much in my life! Thank goodness for cell phones! We got engaged in December and are planning our wedding for May. It's been a wonderful whirlwind so far!
His name is Ken. He lives in southern Oregon about five hours south of me. He works locally as a logging trucker. And he's the man God has for me. I've wanted to get married for more than twenty years (I'm 32, and no, I wasn't planning on getting married at 10 or 12, but was looking forward to it and figured I'd get married between 18 and 21 like my mom and other family members), but Ken is worth the wait. I've never met a guy before that I didn't feel that I would have to "settle" for in some way or another. Ken and I are very much in step with each other. We share the same spiritual foundation and are both active in our faith. We share dreams and goals and a sense of humor! Our household will certainly be full of laughter!
I am very much looking forward to this coming year to see how this journey that God has brought us on will continue!
And we would very much appreciate your prayers for us as we begin building our two lives into one.


  1. Oh, Esther! How I hope we can see the two of you soon! We are so happy for you -

  2. Поздравляю! Телефоны...это так знакомо, как и 5 часов расстояния :)
    Жду еще больше фотографий!!!!

  3. Congratulations! That is great news and I'm sure you will be great for each other. I"m so happy for both of you!!! Will definetly be praying for the big day:)
