Saturday, August 13, 2011

Still Out There

Yes, I really am (still out there).
I'm not sure what has happened to the last two plus weeks, but they just somehow disappeared into oblivion. I know that some of that time was while Julie was here and I will post some pictures of our trip to the coast and also Mount Hood (known in some regions as Mount Saint Hood).
Business has been trucking along. Things have slowed down a lot the last month or six weeks, but the other side of that coin is that now I am doing three markets every week. So, while I am not selling as much at each market, it is made up for by the fact that I am selling at three markets. Anya and I have come up with a schedule to rotate market days, so she takes every other market day (markets are Monday, Wednesday and Saturday, which means this week I am on Monday and Saturday and next week on Wednesday). It is a big help to have those extra days of the week. I have been particularly tired the last couple of weeks, so not having to be at every market is nice. I still take Anya down and set her up and then pick her up at the end of the day, but it is kind of good as it gets me going and motivated to come home and do other prep work for the business.
I am hoping to see an accountant this week, so please pray that that will work out well. It is a little frightening to think of handing my books over to someone else--mostly because I am well aware that they are in a mess! Oh well, I guess that is the point of seeing an accountant. :)

Right now I need to hop up and do another load of dishes and then get stuff laid out for tomorrow morning. Four o'clock comes all too early these days! (Translate that to, I need to get my tush in bed a little earlier!) Tomorrow should be another beautiful day. Monday markets are my favorite because they are much more low key than the other days. Wish ya'll could come and visit me there tomorrow!

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