Friday, June 17, 2011

Keep Praying!

All right! Whoever it was of you that stopped praying after my last health post--get back to it!
I've actually had a migraine (a small one) for almost two weeks. The chiropractor says it is related to my chewing. :| And a few weeks ago, I pulled one of my vertebrae out of place and mucked up a couple of muscles trying to carry things that were too heavy for me. And yesterday I did something to my other shoulder and pinched a nerve. Plus my lower back is a bit messed up (probably from sitting cross-legged on the floor, but you didn't hear that from me) and I'm having an upsurge of joint pain again the last few days.
Ok, so that all said. What I said in my last post still holds. Yes, when I have more pain, I am more tired too which is frustrating, but overall, even with the pain my energy levels are still WAY higher than they would be without the supplements and treatment. So, things are still overall positive. I'm just having a low moment. Most of the pain is pretty manageable, but the joint pain does get me down. It affects my hands and feet and my hips and just kind of leaves me feeling extra stiff and sore which means it takes me longer to do stuff. Like get out of bed. And that leaves me frustrated and wondering if I am just being lazy. It always takes me a few days to figure out that I am actually in pain and could take meds to at least take the edge off. lol I'm a little slow that way.
Anyway, all that to say, I am doing way better than I was a year ago and my pain levels even now are lower than then. I just still need prayer and and prayer for patience and persistence and determination and grace. Of course I would like the pain to all just go away, but I know that probably isn't the way God is going to work in this situation. So, I need just as much prayer that I will deal with it gracefully and without complaint or giving in to the fear (of more pain or sometimes just continued pain). That I will rely on His strength and remember that He does provide for me to be able to do what He wants me to do each and every day, even if I don't accomplish all that I want to do!

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