Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Health Update

You know, I get so frustrated with my energy levels sometimes. I just struggle with not being able to do all I want to do because I am just too tired. I am constantly amazed by how much time I spend on the couch. That said, I had a little wake up call last week.
My chiropractor/naturopath had me go off of most of my supplements so that he could test if I still needed them all or not. I had to go off of them for a minimum of four days so that all traces of them would be out of my system before he tested me. So, I quit taking most of them on Sunday. I didn't register any particular changes mentally, but they were most certainly there! He tested me on Thursday and I need to continue with all but one of my supplements (I'm taking three different vitamins as well as five or so other supplements, 25-30 pills every day and one or two in liquid form).
After getting back on them, I realized what a difference they do make. I had been struggling all week with just feeling lethargic and not able to pull myself together to do things. It just took all of my will-power to get my basic work done, which isn't usually that big of a problem. Got back on the supplements and bingo! within a few days life was so much easier again. I am having trouble expressing the difference that it made for me.
I think the difference is like trying to crawl up a mountain on your hands and knees versus being able to just walk up. You can do it on your hands and knees, but it takes a lot more effort and determination and every little anomaly in the path is a much bigger deal. When you can just walk up, you can cover a lot of the ground faster and more easily, you make better progress with less effort. And the little anomalies in the path can just be stepped over or jumped over, they don't require lengthy detours or careful planning to overcome. You just do it.
So definitely a big praise for the improvement in my health. Yes, taking all those supplements isn't fun or cheap, but they make the difference between my being able to live an almost normal life and spending 50%+ of my waking hours on the couch. And! They reduce my pain levels. Within a couple of days of going off I was having a lot more stiffness in my joints again and aching hands and carpal tunnel and all my joints were cracking and popping again. Now that I am back on them that has all dissipated back to an occasional thing not a daily routine. So PTL!

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