Monday, May 30, 2011


I know that most of you know this already, but for those who somehow have not heard: my brother-in-law, Daniel, had a mini stroke about two weeks ago. He's doing pretty good now, but he is still at risk for having a major stroke. They have found a good neurologist and are doing some tests, but prayers would be greatly appreciated.
The first neurologist they saw has recommended that Daniel not do any physical labor or be out in the sun very much for the next 3-6 months. Daniel would like a second opinion on that because of course that affects a lot of his ministry.
Please pray for wisdom for the doctors, but also especially for Daniel. At this point if he has a full stroke it would probably be catastrophic (as in, he would not be able to recover and would have to be cared for by someone else for the rest of his life).
His blood pressure was apparently fine for the last few months, but he has been in several accidents in the past where his head took a beating, so it could be that there is damage there from those things that are combining with his blood pressure issues to make him vulnerable to strokes.
Please pray for Priscilla and the children too as this is greatly affecting all of their lives too.

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