Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Just have a quick prayer request. I've been having migraines for several days in a row. Yesterday's was one of the most severe I have ever had in my life. I'm off to the chiropractor today to see if they can do anything for me, but I would really appreciate prayer for this. Also, I'm having a lot of unexplainable fatigue. It is frustrating--to say the least. Overall, I feel like my health has significantly improved with the treatment from this chiropractor (he's also a naturopath) and the supplements he has recommended. The pain in my hands is almost non-existent now and when I have energy, I actually really do have energy, but it is still hit and miss with that.

I have a missions conference that I am going to in Canada (Vancouver) at the end of the month and need to be preparing for that, as well as writing the Facilitator's Guide for our courses. But I need energy to do both. This last week has been incredibly frustrating as instead of getting the month off to a good start work-wise, I have spent most of my time on the couch just surviving the days.

It is funny. If I was in Ukraine I would just blame my fatigue on the weather as it is typically very gray and cold in Rivne at this time of year. But here, I can't do that. Even right now the sun is shining brightly in my window and it is just around freezing outside. I am really thankful to be here and to be getting the help that I am for my health. It is a blessing. I just need to be patient as there is no magic pill. God just made us a little more complicated than that!
Thanks for praying.

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