Thursday, April 8, 2010

Prayer for Kyrgyzstan

This morning I received an email from a friend in Kyrgyzstan reporting about the unrest there and asking for prayer.

Dozens of people have been killed and as many injured. Many arrests have taken place. The people are demonstrating--calling for a new president/government. The cost of living keeps going up and up and the people are dissatisfied. The last time this happened was in 2005 when they also called for the removal of the president who was in power at that time.

There is more information in these links:

or you can easily find more by searching online.

From the above reports it seems that the situation has already changed from the report I received last night, but do please keep this nation in your prayers for peace. Please pray for the Kyrgyz Christians and churches (and for my friends) that they might be witnesses to many of the peace of Christ.

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