Monday, April 12, 2010


I've put up posts in the past about my cousin who had brain cancer. He was diagnosed a little over a year ago in January 2009. His prognosis wasn't good then, but God gave him over a year of life to enjoy his family and make precious memories with them. Last week he walked into heaven.
He's certainly in a better place. His family is left with the aftermath, however. The funeral is tomorrow (Tuesday). Please pray for Jeremy's wife, Elizabeth and their three little kids. And for the rest of his family, parents and brother and sisters.
Pray for peace and rest for them.For the whole grieving process to take place and continue to completion (as much as it can). Wisdom for all the decisions that need to be made. And financial help for the bills left over from Jeremy's treatments and care. And for God to use this as a witness and for His own glory.

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