Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Moving and Anniversary Celebrations

I was trying to think about what I've been doing the last few days. Took me a bit.
Over the weekend, my new flatmate, Julie, moved in with me. We painted her room on Thursday night and then she moved in on Saturday. We're still unpacking. It's been great to have her actually living there and the little changes to the household are nice too. We went out and bought a bed for her on Saturday afternoon and while there I picked out a bedside stand and looked at some other minor furniture pieces (which she went out and bought today). It's great to have those things as they are things I have thought about for the two years that I've been here, but have never managed to go out and get! It definitely makes the place just a little bit more homey. Now I just hope that I can renew my rental agreement without too much hassle! :)
The other thing that I've been doing for the last couple of weeks is plan my parents' anniversary celebration. Their anniversary is August 15, but we are celebrating July 19 here as they will be "honeymooning" in Canada in August. They would like to have a "renewal of the vows"/reception on July 19, but since neither of them are here to organize it, I get that happy job. :P Actually, I don't mind, but it does have its stressors. Hopefully it will all come off beautifully and be an event for them to remember. Things are a little complicated since none of my siblings can help out because they are either on the wrong continent or busy up until the day of and just arriving in time for it (but it's not from lack of their desire).


  1. We're so bummed not to be there for it :(

  2. I know. Not your fault. This is what happens with mum and dad, they decide and then just do it! Then they get upset when their kids wanna get married quick. *rolls eyes ;)
