Friday, January 16, 2009


I think it is so funny, I have been eating fish almost every day since Lika moved in with me. They love fish, but I have never been a big fish eater. As a matter of fact, most of my childhood I hated it and have only recently worked on acquiring a taste for it. And the fish that Lika makes is actually mostly salted fish (like pickled, but without the vinegar), particularly salted herring and some pink fish, which means that it is eaten "raw" in salad. I wish I would remember to take a picture, not that it would show much, but... Interestingly, I actually prefer the salted fish to the cooked fish. The flavor is mild, it is usually boneless, and I'm used to pickled herring from my dutch side. I just never thought I'd be eating fish every day! :D

1 comment:

  1. I love fish.... COOKED!! I know they say the salting process actually "cooks" the fish... but yeah, no not for me, thanks :) I wish fish weren't so expensive here or I'd be happy to make and eat more of it (especially on the BBQ) it's good for you too! :) Glad you are enjoying it and that Lika is taking such great care of you!!! Miss you tons!! Of to Costco for me, as we are out of milk... again... we're always out of milk!
