Sunday, February 17, 2008

Quick One

I'm just on for a couple of minutes. Sorry I haven't been on for a while. Between going to the dentist last week and being sick I just haven't had the energy to sit up at my computer. Consequently, I am taking this coming week off of work to stay home in bed. Not something I look forward to, but something that must be done. I think that I am having another bout with a virus that I picked up last year. Something like mono, but not quite as bad. In any case my energies are much depleted, yesterday I could hardly make it out of bed, but today I am significantly better: I was able to shower and do some dishes (not at the same time) and eventually made it over to my parents' to lay on their couch for a couple of hours! :)
I don't actually feel sick, just exhausted to the point where watching a movie is taxing. If I don't get rejuvenated by a week of strict rest I'll have to make arrangements to go to Kyiv and get medical tests and whatnot done there which would be a HUGE headache and something I would really prefer to avoid.
So please pray that I show significant improvement as this week progresses. Thanks. :)

Other than that things are going well at the office. We're going to be finishing up another course in a week or so and sending it off for printing, which is always exciting for everyone. I'll probably proclaim a day off when it is sent off to celebrate. We also just got back a copy of one of the courses that was sent for printing this last summer. There were problems with the paper so it was long delayed, but it'll be a nice boost for the office to see some of their finished work.
Beyond that, our two new staff that I hired in January are working out really well. Liena is proving to be well capable for some of the tasks that I had in mind for her and I hope to train her to be able to stand in for any of the editorial team if the need arises, but mostly I am anxious for her to focus on the translation aspect of the projects and it seems that she is well capable for that. It was a step of faith to hire her because I didn't have any specific work in mind, just a general idea of what I hoped she would be able to do. But I believe it was from the Lord as I already have work lined up for her for the next 3-4 months at least!
Our new secretary, Julia, is also adjusting well. She has a really sweet spirit and is a good, willing worker. She is a relatively new believer and had actually been coming to my English evangelistic Bible study (and still is). She's been on a sharp learning curve, but it is a great help for me to have her there. Just so many little tasks that I can give to her so that I can focus on other things that I have been procrastinating on. :) Or be sick... :P
Oh well, this didn't turn out as short as I had intended, but I didn't want you to think I had forgotten you. May God bless you ten-fold for your prayers and encouragement!


  1. Stop being sick... that's an ORDER!!!! :)

  2. Is it ok if I gave an ORDER like Melissa,too?
    Will be praying for you Esther. Nice to see you back here.

  3. we are praying for you as well!
    Esther! are you planning to be in Kiev in March, 15? there is a wedding day :)
    i dont see you to give an invitation so im asking here- will you come to share this day with us? it will be from 11 till max 3 pm :)

  4. Thanks for the orders guys! *rolls eyes and grins
    And for the prayers.
    I'll be in Kyiv on the 10th can you move your wedding forward? :D Can you give me your web address again, Lyena? I lost it.
