Wednesday, September 19, 2007

It's all fun and games...

until somebody gets hurt!
And that somebody is going to be me! Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. :D I have a dental appointment tomorrow. Follow up from my root canal last week, have to get a replacement filling, I mean a real one as I only have a temp one at the moment.
But things should get significantly better after that as I'll be heading off to a church conference for a couple of days.

It is hard to believe that the office has been going for three weeks already. I feel like I am barely beginning to get my feet on the ground work-wise. New Testament Survey 1 & 2 are coming along beautifully. Part 1 has already been sent off to the translator and we're hoping to have it by the end of the month by which time we are planning on having Part 2 ready to send off. It's hard to believe that I've been working on this project for four years (not full-time, mind you) and harder still to think that the end might be close, relatively speaking. Well, the end for me, once it is translated the rest of the office will just be beginning to work on it!
It'll be odd to see the books in print after these four years of little steps. What a gift from God! I mean really, there is no way that I could have even imagined doing this kind of work and yet here I am, by His grace and in His power, completing the task that He has set before me.
He is truly a great God.
The last four years of my life have really not been ideal for this kind of work. Between being sick and hurting my back; traveling to India and moving to the States and now back to Ukraine... Well, circumstances just haven't lent themselves to the work, but God has in His omnipotence seen fit to ignore that and make it possible anyway.
He just amazes me sometimes.


  1. whoohooo... actually I'm just posting to let you know that at the moment Vienna is waving hello to your photo! :) It's kinda nice, since most of what I've said to her this morning is "no, Vienna... Vienna, No, Don't Touch, Put it back!" **big sigh** but now it's "Hi Auntie Es" though she's trying to say Es and it's coming out Heeehh :)

  2. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww :(( I miss my niece! Want hug from baby! :((
