Monday, June 6, 2011

Update on Daniel

Daniel and Priscilla have gone through a myriad of tests in the last couple of weeks. Thankfully that kind of thing is cheaper in Ukraine although you do have to watch the quality, but they were referred to some really good doctors. Basically, the doctors have not been able to figure out why Daniel had these strokes. They did say that both the stroke this year and the one last year were full strokes, not mini ones. And there is gray area on his MRI's which lend credence to that, although he has had a couple of serious head injuries in the past which could probably also have contributed to that.
For now the doctors have recommended that he take it easy till he is healed from this stroke (his speech was affected, but that is already clearing up). And of course, he needs to continue on his blood pressure medication. Your continued prayers are definitely appreciated through all of this. Pris and Dan still need to make decisions about how quickly Daniel is going to get back to normal life and of course they need ongoing prayer that he won't have more strokes or that they will find out the cause.

I would also appreciate your prayers this week. For some reason I am just feeling particularly stressed and anxious. Perhaps it is because I know my parents are traveling again or perhaps it is just still coming down off the high of having them here and everything that has been happening with the bakery business. I am anxious to get back into a more scheduled lifestyle. I feel like I've been burning the candle at both ends. So, just for wisdom with all the decisions I need to make this week and for how to organize it so I can get everything done and give it all to the Lord.

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