Friday, April 30, 2010

Snapshots of Life on this Side of the Fence

Here is an excerpt from an email my mom sent out requesting prayer. I think that it depicts some of the incomprehensible (to the Western mind) things that go on in this part of the world:

…last year the then vice president of the Baptist Union was in an accident. A police officer who was totally drunk ran into Ruvin Voloshin’s car and was killed. In the due process of time, but not justice, Ruvin has been declared guilty and is under restrictions and not allowed to leave the city of Moscow. This has taken a great toll on him and he was taken to hospital last night. We don’t know if it is heart or other problems, but this past year has been an agony of uncertainty for him ending with a totally illogical and unjust court decision. This is not just a man to pray about but also to enlighten your understanding of things that can happen in this country where justice and righteousness are foreign concepts.

And, while I’m at it, our politics here in Ukraine are again and/or still chaotic. It even hit international news that fighting and egg throwing broke out in parliament this week. President Yanokovich managed to push through an extended 40-year lease for the Russian naval base on the Black Sea in Ukraine. Corruption and self interest reign.

Prayer is always welcome.

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