Thursday, December 24, 2009

Quick Prayer Request

I'm still having stomach trouble. I went to a local doctor at a private clinic on Tuesday and she agreed that I have a parasite, but her method of deciding that was...interesting. She attached ran electric currents through me to test for different bacteria. Oh, and I had an ulrasound and that doctor told me that all my health problems would be rectified if I would just get pregnant and have kids. Helpful. Pray that I'll figure things out and be able to get it to settle down. Little things like this just affect and skew my whole body.
Basically, the stomach stuff comes and goes of it's own volition, except that it has been worse at night lately and between that and the pain in my legs from the weather changing I'm not getting much rest. I've been tossing and turning so much that my leg muscles have begun to ache from that too. Please pray that I'll be able to get some sleep over the next few days and catch up on my rest.
I'm also having a lot of pain in my hands from the cold and just in general. I haven't been able to take my normal supplements and vitamins that would help because of the stomach issues. Please pray that I'll figure out how to deal with that so I can continue doing normal things (like typing and using a mouse--thankfully, the pain is always less in my left hand so I can still write and do a lot of things without it interfering).

On the other side, I am working to use this pain as a reminder to pray for a friend of mine who suffers much more pain than I do. And I still have much to be thankful for; like a supportive office and friends and the opportunity to celebrate Christ's birth twice--with friends and then with family.

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