This is Rivne in winter. Gray. But you do have to enjoy the movie theater in the center of town--I mean who could not love it! It's yellow! (okay, and brown)

Next up: This is the alley that leads to our office. The green gates at the end are ours. The landlord's house is the brown one on the left. I'm actually thankful that it is a little set back from the street as it makes it more difficult for prying neighbors. Unfortunately, at the end of this alley, where it joins the street is a huge puddle every time it rains or the snow melts. I wanted to get some gravel to fill it but apparently that is horrendously expensive! :(

This picture is the street our office is on. As you can see, on one side it is the rich and famous (okay, they probably aren't famous, but...) and the other side is trying to keep out of poverty! Unfortunately, I just noticed that you can't see two of the huge houses that are on the street right across from the office, they just neatly got cut out of the picture. But you can take my word for it that they are there. :) It does help me to feel more secure as I feel like why would anyone target us, when we are certainly not the highest profile house on the block.
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