Well, it looks like Lika is not going to make it out of my place this week. I think it'll be a couple more weeks by the sounds of things. Some guys helped with moving some stuff for her, but in the process mucked up the newly plastered ceiling. And something isn't going right with the tiling in the hallway, even after letting it dry for 48 hours they keep popping off, which has not happened in the kitchen.
Lika is a bit discouraged by it. Thankfully however, Carmen has moved on from her original glumps about possibly not being in the apartment for her birthday (today). I left her at home this morning busy making salads and cookies and what not for her party tonight. I'm not sure who is coming to this party tonight, if it will just be the four of us or if others are invited too. I have a feeling it will just be the four of us, but she is preparing food for an army, so I do hope they invited some others! But since they didn't ask me specifically, I rather doubt it. They are quite good that way.
I was a little discouraged myself when I first heard about these additional complications with the apartment. But I figure God must just want Lika to stay with me for a while longer yet. Pray that it will impact her life for Him.
Personally, I have a cold for the fourth time in two months! And it's a doozy! But each time I begin to feel pity-partyish I remember last year. At this time last year, I was so sick with some virus or other bug that I wasn't able to work at all for several weeks and for about a week could barely get out of bed! Now, today, even though I have this cold, I was able to walk to work. I'm so grateful for that energy. I am just continually amazed at how much improved my health is this year. It is truly a blessing!
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