The work on Lika's apartment continues. I naturally can not do anything to help, like paint, because of my ankle, but perhaps that is better for me in the end as I already have plenty on my plate.
Here are a few pictures of Lika's place now. You can see that they have put new plaster on the ceilings and are working on plastering the walls. A new window has also been put in. She came home yesterday feeling discouraged because she has to have her plumbing redone as well. Not, I think, because of the fire or at least not just because of the fire, but because it has the original Soviet quality pipes that were done 17 or so years ago when the building was built. But of course, there is no sense in not redoing them now when she has to put up new tiling and everything in the bathroom and toilet and kitchen. You can see that she has also put an arch in for the living room doorway. She can't afford doors so this was the cheapest easiest way to go.
There is obviously still a ton of work to be done, but you can see the vast improvements when you compare pictures.
Lika has been working extra shifts for a coworker who in turn is doing the plastering on her walls. One of the churches here also came through with a large financial donation. I had really hoped that people would get more personally involved as I think that would make a bigger impact as a witness, but God also knows what is best and Lika can be difficult to deal with and definitely has her own ideas about her apartment, so... But do, please, continue to pray for God to use this in her life to humble her and bring her a few steps closer to Him. Help her to realize His love through the efforts that His people are making on her behalf.
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