This week and really during the past month I have done a lot of journeying in the area of office management. We seem to be having a lot of ups and downs and sometimes it rather gets to me. I know that I've been rather stressed about different things and it came to me the other day that a lot of it is because I don't have anyone to discuss it with. So, I'm looking forward to mum returning. With the challenges that have been and are, it has really challenged me to search my heart as to whether or not I am doing this for the Lord or for myself and it has been interesting. I do feel that I am doing this for the Lord. I don't particularly enjoy conflict so it has been difficult at times to take a stand for what I believe is right and I have only been able to do it after much soul searching to make sure that I am not simply "wielding power". I've taken a lot of time to look at what is appropriate to ask of my staff as a Christian and as dealing with Christians.
It's been interesting to study the Bible in light of work relationships and expectations. I expect it will continue to be so over the next few months.
For this all I would also appreciate your prayers. Pray that I will be wise and just in the decisions that I make. It is difficult to realize that God is not a god of fairness, but rather of justness. It's easier to be fair. I've made changes that my staff here likes and of course some that they don't like. And I have received strong opposition for the latter. It's been difficult; I didn't expect all the changes to be embraced, on the other hand, I didn't expect them to be so violently opposed either. Pray for wisdom for me and for all the staff. And, well, and so many more things. It really is a heavy burden on my heart right now as I anticipate making more changes over the next month, some of which will be "good" and others "bad", but all of them necessary from what I can see (which you can read to mean that they are in line with my parents' desires in addition to the fact that I have done a lot of soul searching and discerning the difference between change for the sake of change and then of course research into what the Bible says about all these things). Anyway, I would be glad for your prayers for this and for me, that I would "not be anxious for anything, but in everything by prayer and petition with thanksgiving present my request to God; so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard my heart and mind through Jesus Christ my Lord."
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
"Home Sick"
They say home is where the heart is.
Today is my dad's birthday. It seems strange that I am here in Ukraine and he is in America this time. Normally it is the other way around!
The last few days I have really been missing my family. I normally chat several times a week with Melissa and the last two weeks she has been in Ohio with the rest of the fam., so quite unavailable to me and it has made me realize how much I enjoy those conversations about nothing in particular. :) Here's a pic of Sam and Melissa and my favorite American niece (Vienna). That was this summer while I was visiting them.
That said I am naturally looking forward to my parents' return in a couple of weeks. Not actually counting the days, but sometimes I feel like it!
Today is my dad's birthday. It seems strange that I am here in Ukraine and he is in America this time. Normally it is the other way around!
The last few days I have really been missing my family. I normally chat several times a week with Melissa and the last two weeks she has been in Ohio with the rest of the fam., so quite unavailable to me and it has made me realize how much I enjoy those conversations about nothing in particular. :) Here's a pic of Sam and Melissa and my favorite American niece (Vienna). That was this summer while I was visiting them.

Saturday, November 24, 2007
Last night I went and visited a new friends at her apartment. She is also a missionary and although she works in a very different field than I do, we have a lot in common. It's been a blessing to get to spend a little time with her!
And on Thursday I went out for "Thanksgiving Dinner" with another friend, Laura, who is a missionary as well. We ended up having pizza and crepes filled with cheese for lunch, so it wasn't traditional, but it was great to get out and spend some time with her too.
It's been great to be able to spend little time with friends. In addition, while my interviewee never showed at the office, I am at peace with that and we are developing a good training plan in the mean time. I have also asked the whole office to look around them and see if there is anyone they know who is looking for a job. I am at peace that the Lord has it well in hand.
My small group is going well. I get new people every week so I am revamping it to suit those needs a little. But God has provided a great helper for that who is really excited about the opportunity to bring unbelieving friends to the group (besides the fact that she is also a great help during group).
Then a few smaller things. I was able to buy new winter boots for myself this week which is amazing. I have very hard to fit feet and previously have had a very difficult time trying to find shoes here. So I was quite excited to get a nice pair of boots that actually fit!
And Melissa wrote to say that her dad is doing a lot better so I am grateful for that too.
Praise the Lord for His "over and above" blessings!
And on Thursday I went out for "Thanksgiving Dinner" with another friend, Laura, who is a missionary as well. We ended up having pizza and crepes filled with cheese for lunch, so it wasn't traditional, but it was great to get out and spend some time with her too.
It's been great to be able to spend little time with friends. In addition, while my interviewee never showed at the office, I am at peace with that and we are developing a good training plan in the mean time. I have also asked the whole office to look around them and see if there is anyone they know who is looking for a job. I am at peace that the Lord has it well in hand.
My small group is going well. I get new people every week so I am revamping it to suit those needs a little. But God has provided a great helper for that who is really excited about the opportunity to bring unbelieving friends to the group (besides the fact that she is also a great help during group).
Then a few smaller things. I was able to buy new winter boots for myself this week which is amazing. I have very hard to fit feet and previously have had a very difficult time trying to find shoes here. So I was quite excited to get a nice pair of boots that actually fit!
And Melissa wrote to say that her dad is doing a lot better so I am grateful for that too.
Praise the Lord for His "over and above" blessings!
Esther Bible,
Prayer Answers
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Office Adjustments
A week ago one of our staff here gave me her two weeks notice. It was a bit of a shock and I was relieved to find out that she was leaving because she is moving away. I am sad to lose her and naturally this leaves a gap in our office work. Just last month we reorganized everything so that the process would move more smoothly and everyone would have plenty of work.
I immediately began casting about in my mind for someone to take her place. Unfortunately no one in our office knows of Christians who have the necessary computer skills, so we will have to train someone new in. I know of people who are looking for jobs, but that does not mean they will fit here.
However, I do have an interview set up for today with a young man who has reasonable computer knowledge. It's a first for me, I've never interviewed anyone before, let alone to think of hiring new office staff while my parents are both in the States! So, I am finding it a little stressful and yet I am also at peace that it is in the Lord's hands. It would be a blessing if this young man worked out as he will then be able to train directly from the girl who is leaving. Also because it would mean that we have less gap in our work flow, even though he will need to train for a month, he will still be of some use during that time.
So that is a prayer request for today and for all of next week as I assume he will want to at least give it a try. One concern I do have with hiring new staff is that many people believe that if they are working for foreingers their pay will be high, however, we are a mission and while we pay a reasonable salary, it is not above the average. So I may have to dispel some expectations on that side.
A couple of other completely unrelated prayer requests, except that they affect me.
First my sister-in-law's father is in the hospital with blood clots in his lungs and leg, which is a serious condition. So please pray for him and Melissa (my sister-in-law) as she is in Ohio with my parents right now and thus very far away from her own. And for the rest of us as we try to be a support.
Second, well, this is very unpleasant, but I am concerned that I am being stalked by an acquaintance of mine. I have good reason for my suspicions, but nothing with which to prove them by yet. Hopefully, it will all go away and I will not need to have those kind of proofs. However...wisdom says that I must be prepared. Please pray that I will have wisdom and courage and that God will protect me. It is a very complex situation and I would really appreciate your prayers for me. Also that while keeping myself prepared it would not interfere with my daily life and my ability to rest.
I immediately began casting about in my mind for someone to take her place. Unfortunately no one in our office knows of Christians who have the necessary computer skills, so we will have to train someone new in. I know of people who are looking for jobs, but that does not mean they will fit here.
However, I do have an interview set up for today with a young man who has reasonable computer knowledge. It's a first for me, I've never interviewed anyone before, let alone to think of hiring new office staff while my parents are both in the States! So, I am finding it a little stressful and yet I am also at peace that it is in the Lord's hands. It would be a blessing if this young man worked out as he will then be able to train directly from the girl who is leaving. Also because it would mean that we have less gap in our work flow, even though he will need to train for a month, he will still be of some use during that time.
So that is a prayer request for today and for all of next week as I assume he will want to at least give it a try. One concern I do have with hiring new staff is that many people believe that if they are working for foreingers their pay will be high, however, we are a mission and while we pay a reasonable salary, it is not above the average. So I may have to dispel some expectations on that side.
A couple of other completely unrelated prayer requests, except that they affect me.
First my sister-in-law's father is in the hospital with blood clots in his lungs and leg, which is a serious condition. So please pray for him and Melissa (my sister-in-law) as she is in Ohio with my parents right now and thus very far away from her own. And for the rest of us as we try to be a support.
Second, well, this is very unpleasant, but I am concerned that I am being stalked by an acquaintance of mine. I have good reason for my suspicions, but nothing with which to prove them by yet. Hopefully, it will all go away and I will not need to have those kind of proofs. However...wisdom says that I must be prepared. Please pray that I will have wisdom and courage and that God will protect me. It is a very complex situation and I would really appreciate your prayers for me. Also that while keeping myself prepared it would not interfere with my daily life and my ability to rest.
Esther Bible,
Prayer Requests
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Behind the Bars
Just a few pics from my kitchen and living room windows. You can also see some of the lovely iron bars that cover all my windows. I'm grateful for them, even if my friends tell me that if there is ever a fire in the hall I'll die in here. I guess I don't worry about it too much as I've never seen a solid concrete apartment building go up in flames. :D
This is the view from my kitchen. There is a preschool in the middle of our block and I am thrilled not to be looking out on another apartment building!
This was from the living room window (different bars). The snow was sooo gorgeous!
One of my neighbors was out taking advantage of the snow and cleaning her rugs. She had just walked away for a moment when I snapped this picture, but you can see her in action in the one below. Many people here beat their rugs to clean them rather than vacuuming. Primarily because vacuums have not been long available and many people don't own one. I am personally of the opinion that beating your rugs is much more effective than vacuuming anyway, but naturally not if you have wall-to-wall carpeting.
Using the snow really helps when you beat rugs too because it catches the dirt and keeps it from just drifting through the air and straight back into your rug. They actually have special carpet beaters that you can buy in the stores and on many days I hear the thwack thwacking of someone cleaning their rugs outside my building.

Esther Bible,
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
So yesterday, I had to go home early to show my new "maid" where everything was and then to pay my bills. After which I decided I had better order new glasses since they will take a month to six weeks to get here.
I suppose I should explain about the "maid" first. I am somewhat embarrassed to admit that I have hired a girl to clean for me. After living in my apartment for three months I decided that I just needed to bite the bullet and hire someone to help me out. Between going to Kyiv about once a month and needing to go to the market and other things on weekends and crashing after work, I just don't have it in me to clean. Although, I probably would still not have done it if it hadn't been so cheap! For less than $10 she'll come twice a month for a few hours. That is irresistible! But I still feel guilty. :) I am trying to assuage my conscience however with reminders that I am sensitive to common cleaning agents, so it is better to have someone else do it for me anyway. But I'm not sure I'll ever get over it! It is just too much of a luxury in my mind.
Anyway, on to shopping. The reason my glasses will take so long is because they have to send them to Germany to get the necessary coatings. I must say, I was looking particularly dowdy yesterday when I went in the store. My boots are ancient and completely out of style (and being in style is what it is all about here) as is my purse. And my coat... lol Naturally, I did not garner a lot of interest from the sales ladies and certainly no respect.
Until I ordered my lenses. As soon as I told them that I wanted an anti-glare and also anti-scratch coating they had much more interest in me! When they realized that I quite understood the cost involved and did not blink an eye at spending as much on each lens as I did on the frames... I can't help but laugh about it! I spent $40 on each lens and also on the frames. If I bought glasses and had an eye examination in the States it would be at the very cheapest twice that! I had purposefully waited to get my glasses here, but they were simply astounded that this dowdy creature would spend so much on glasses! Oh well, they probably don't wear theirs everyday.
When I go in to pick them up, I am sure I will appear much more respectable in their eyes as I also bought new boots and a new purse yesterday. I am not a person who loves to shop, because I can't bear parting with my money just to be "in style", but I know it was time to pick up a few new things. Now at least I'll have warm feet this winter and I won't have to worry about my purse strap falling off all the time! And the side benefit is that I will appear to have so little care about my appearance.
It is really shocking how important appearances are here. It is much more bout how you look than even who you are. Having lived here long enough I have learned how to garner respect despite my appearance, but out of respect for people here, I do try not to be offensive in that area. It just seems so silly to me sometimes. On the other hand, I also know that the more "in style" I am the less likely I am to be picked out as a foreigner and that is a very motivating factor for me!
I have not forgotten the promised pictures. I wanted to do it last night, but after all my shopping I could barely sit up to eat my dinner before I toddled off to bed. Tonight is small group, but perhaps I can still do it.
I suppose I should explain about the "maid" first. I am somewhat embarrassed to admit that I have hired a girl to clean for me. After living in my apartment for three months I decided that I just needed to bite the bullet and hire someone to help me out. Between going to Kyiv about once a month and needing to go to the market and other things on weekends and crashing after work, I just don't have it in me to clean. Although, I probably would still not have done it if it hadn't been so cheap! For less than $10 she'll come twice a month for a few hours. That is irresistible! But I still feel guilty. :) I am trying to assuage my conscience however with reminders that I am sensitive to common cleaning agents, so it is better to have someone else do it for me anyway. But I'm not sure I'll ever get over it! It is just too much of a luxury in my mind.
Anyway, on to shopping. The reason my glasses will take so long is because they have to send them to Germany to get the necessary coatings. I must say, I was looking particularly dowdy yesterday when I went in the store. My boots are ancient and completely out of style (and being in style is what it is all about here) as is my purse. And my coat... lol Naturally, I did not garner a lot of interest from the sales ladies and certainly no respect.
Until I ordered my lenses. As soon as I told them that I wanted an anti-glare and also anti-scratch coating they had much more interest in me! When they realized that I quite understood the cost involved and did not blink an eye at spending as much on each lens as I did on the frames... I can't help but laugh about it! I spent $40 on each lens and also on the frames. If I bought glasses and had an eye examination in the States it would be at the very cheapest twice that! I had purposefully waited to get my glasses here, but they were simply astounded that this dowdy creature would spend so much on glasses! Oh well, they probably don't wear theirs everyday.
When I go in to pick them up, I am sure I will appear much more respectable in their eyes as I also bought new boots and a new purse yesterday. I am not a person who loves to shop, because I can't bear parting with my money just to be "in style", but I know it was time to pick up a few new things. Now at least I'll have warm feet this winter and I won't have to worry about my purse strap falling off all the time! And the side benefit is that I will appear to have so little care about my appearance.
It is really shocking how important appearances are here. It is much more bout how you look than even who you are. Having lived here long enough I have learned how to garner respect despite my appearance, but out of respect for people here, I do try not to be offensive in that area. It just seems so silly to me sometimes. On the other hand, I also know that the more "in style" I am the less likely I am to be picked out as a foreigner and that is a very motivating factor for me!
I have not forgotten the promised pictures. I wanted to do it last night, but after all my shopping I could barely sit up to eat my dinner before I toddled off to bed. Tonight is small group, but perhaps I can still do it.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
For Prayer
Hey, I just wanted to let you know that I received an email this morning informing me that the EMI accountant is resigning. This is definitely a prayer request.
First, we need a new accountant. Without a good and capable accountant, we're sunk. I am quite distressed by this news because this is the second accountant to resign this year and she had actually just completed her training with the mission. With all of our missionaries in R. we frequently have urgent accounting issues and I am concerned about how this will not only affect me personally, but also all of our ministry and staff.
Second, the mission has faced a lot of changes in the last year and change, as I am sure you are aware, is not always easy. Please pray that the changes being made would be effective and beneficial for all of us who are serving with EMI. Pray that things in the home office would stabilize so that those of us on the field wouldn't have these additional stressors.
Obviously this is a difficult situation and I can't really say much more, but I would really appreciate your prayers.
PS. I couldn't post the promised pictures the other day because I forgot my camera cord at the office, but I will try to do so later today. I am also feeling much better than last week and am back in the office. Please continue to pray for me as we are also facing change here with one of our formatters leaving to move to Russia. She just gave two-week notice on Friday. At this point I think we will do fine without her, but I do see potential hazards ahead. Please pray that we also find the other office staff people that we are beginning to look for, such as a general office person/secretary for Abraham and someone specifically to work with the lectures.
First, we need a new accountant. Without a good and capable accountant, we're sunk. I am quite distressed by this news because this is the second accountant to resign this year and she had actually just completed her training with the mission. With all of our missionaries in R. we frequently have urgent accounting issues and I am concerned about how this will not only affect me personally, but also all of our ministry and staff.
Second, the mission has faced a lot of changes in the last year and change, as I am sure you are aware, is not always easy. Please pray that the changes being made would be effective and beneficial for all of us who are serving with EMI. Pray that things in the home office would stabilize so that those of us on the field wouldn't have these additional stressors.
Obviously this is a difficult situation and I can't really say much more, but I would really appreciate your prayers.
PS. I couldn't post the promised pictures the other day because I forgot my camera cord at the office, but I will try to do so later today. I am also feeling much better than last week and am back in the office. Please continue to pray for me as we are also facing change here with one of our formatters leaving to move to Russia. She just gave two-week notice on Friday. At this point I think we will do fine without her, but I do see potential hazards ahead. Please pray that we also find the other office staff people that we are beginning to look for, such as a general office person/secretary for Abraham and someone specifically to work with the lectures.
Esther Bible,
Prayer Answers,
Prayer Requests
Friday, November 16, 2007
I am at home sick today. Again. Sigh. This is the third/fourth day that I've been sick this week. It started on Monday with extra tiredness, but I just thought it had been from the long weekend and extra travel. Tuesday I ended up leaving early, wondering if I was ust being silly ('til I looked into the mirror and saw my pale face and realized that it was obviously not "all in my head"). Naturally, I thought I'd be "right as rain" by Wednesday, then Thursday, then today. I'm beginning to have my doubts about tomorrow though...
Today, however, I am determined to go into the office for the staff meeting this afternoon. My legs are so weak beneath me that I feel like I can hardly walk the length of my apartment and I wasn't sure how I was to make it all the way to the office, but I realized, thankfully, that I can take a taxi. The price of taxi's keeps going up and I know I won't be able to afford them forever, but right now they are still a blessing. I remember when you could go anywhere in this city for a dollar. Now it is 2-3 (and when they try to rip you off more) and the prices keep going up. I should say that it is probably more like 2.5 to 4 right now depending on where you are going. Times have changes, cost of living continues to increas. It does seem a shocking waste however to pay $2 to get to the bus station and then be able to go on a four and half hour bus ride to Kyiv for only $8! Enough of that.
Today we have beautiful snow. It is quite making up for last year when we had virtually none. There must be more than six inches out there. I will post some pictures later today or tomorrow (have to get the cord for my camera from my office).
In the meantime you can pray for me as I battle this bout of ill health. I need to talk to the office about certain issues (like punctuality, although how I am supposed to do that when I haven't been there AT ALL myself this week...sigh) and I also need to explain to them that for me to be sick for a week or two at a time is nothing to worry about. How do you teach people to have faith in God and even in His ability to heal when you at the same time have to convince them that it is really no big deal for you to be sick frequently and that it is, as a matter of fact, an accepted part of your life? For me being sick all the time helps me to have the more faith in God that it is all in His hands and that He can indeed use such a broken vessel as I. I have work to do, but He knows that and I am very certain that He will enable me to accopmplish it in the time He has allotted. (which may or may not be in the time that I have allotted)
Oh well, so pray for me as I talk to the office and that God would give me wisdom to know how to explain to them that just because I am chronically ill it is really nothing for them to worry their pretty little heads over! :D
Today, however, I am determined to go into the office for the staff meeting this afternoon. My legs are so weak beneath me that I feel like I can hardly walk the length of my apartment and I wasn't sure how I was to make it all the way to the office, but I realized, thankfully, that I can take a taxi. The price of taxi's keeps going up and I know I won't be able to afford them forever, but right now they are still a blessing. I remember when you could go anywhere in this city for a dollar. Now it is 2-3 (and when they try to rip you off more) and the prices keep going up. I should say that it is probably more like 2.5 to 4 right now depending on where you are going. Times have changes, cost of living continues to increas. It does seem a shocking waste however to pay $2 to get to the bus station and then be able to go on a four and half hour bus ride to Kyiv for only $8! Enough of that.
Today we have beautiful snow. It is quite making up for last year when we had virtually none. There must be more than six inches out there. I will post some pictures later today or tomorrow (have to get the cord for my camera from my office).
In the meantime you can pray for me as I battle this bout of ill health. I need to talk to the office about certain issues (like punctuality, although how I am supposed to do that when I haven't been there AT ALL myself this week...sigh) and I also need to explain to them that for me to be sick for a week or two at a time is nothing to worry about. How do you teach people to have faith in God and even in His ability to heal when you at the same time have to convince them that it is really no big deal for you to be sick frequently and that it is, as a matter of fact, an accepted part of your life? For me being sick all the time helps me to have the more faith in God that it is all in His hands and that He can indeed use such a broken vessel as I. I have work to do, but He knows that and I am very certain that He will enable me to accopmplish it in the time He has allotted. (which may or may not be in the time that I have allotted)
Oh well, so pray for me as I talk to the office and that God would give me wisdom to know how to explain to them that just because I am chronically ill it is really nothing for them to worry their pretty little heads over! :D
Monday, November 12, 2007
Yes, I know for those of you who are Americans, Thanksgiving is yet to come, but for the rest of the wide world we get to celebrate whenever the heck we choose! I think this is my second Thanksgiving this year and I am really hoping to pull off a third. :D
Here is the buffet, set up over the pool table. We had 22 people I believe, including the six kids. It was a potluck thanksgiving with everyone bringing a dish. The turkey was a whooping 25lbs! Which is unbelievable in this land where a few years ago we couldn't get any!
This is Pris and Dan's ministry center on the third level of their house. It was able to accommodate us all quite well which is such a blessing. In addition to myself Pris and Dan had four other houseguests. It was a great weekend!
We started the afternoon by having pie (always a great idea to start with dessert first), then we spent time singing and giving thanks together by sharing a few of the things that we were thankful for this year.
I wish I had gotten a few pictures, but it snowed in Kyiv while I was there. There must have been over eight inches! That's a lot of snow for Ukraine at any time, but we don't normally get snow that stays on the ground until after December 15! It made for a beautiful, fairytale like day.

I wish I had gotten a few pictures, but it snowed in Kyiv while I was there. There must have been over eight inches! That's a lot of snow for Ukraine at any time, but we don't normally get snow that stays on the ground until after December 15! It made for a beautiful, fairytale like day.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Bursting at the Seams
Oh my word! Last night my living room exploded with people! It was great! There were a total of 12 of us--unfortunately, I only have seating for ten. It was cozy. I also discovered that if I collect all of my cups and teacups I have maybe 17 or so. I'm looking forward to those last two suitcases coming from America. (they have my mugs)
I think next week maybe we'll talk about travel. That should be good for a large group. We'll also do the whole of Mark 3 very likely unless we run into some odd snag that I don't foresee at this exact moment.
But gotta run, I'm on devotions this morning so gotta make sure I'm ready!
Oh, and I'll be going to my sister's for the weekend. So I leave tomorrow (which means I need to book a spot on the bus today, must not forget) morning and come back Sunday afternoon. Seven hours there and seven back...but I'm sure I'll enjoy my time there!
I think next week maybe we'll talk about travel. That should be good for a large group. We'll also do the whole of Mark 3 very likely unless we run into some odd snag that I don't foresee at this exact moment.
But gotta run, I'm on devotions this morning so gotta make sure I'm ready!
Oh, and I'll be going to my sister's for the weekend. So I leave tomorrow (which means I need to book a spot on the bus today, must not forget) morning and come back Sunday afternoon. Seven hours there and seven back...but I'm sure I'll enjoy my time there!
Snow! Snow! Snow! Snow!
For those of you who missed that: it's from "White Christmas".
And yes, it did snow last night! Yipeeeee! The Christmas season is official. In my books it lasts from the first snow to the last, so that should give me a good four of five months this year. :D
Here's a couple of pics of my walk to the office.
This would be the lane that leads up to our office. You can see the landlord's house on the left. There is a big puddle right about where I am standing to take the picture and they don't always turn the street light on before I leave the office so I come to the end of the lane and hover. Delicately stepping forward and dipping my toes until I find my way around the puddle. It's a blast! :| You should try it! :D
This is the view of the lane from the other end, but what I really wanted to show you was the house across the street! There are several "mansions" on our street and it just fascinates me how they grow up and right next door are little houses like ours or the landlord's. A mansion here, by the way, is equivalent to one of the newer houses that they are putting up in many places in the States. Minus the basement of course. And most houses here are made of brick, not wood.
And this, this is where I work. My window is the closest one. It's such a cute little gingerbread house in the snow.
Oh ya, one of my girls sent me a message that she is bringing some extras to small group tonight, so you can pray for us!
And yes, it did snow last night! Yipeeeee! The Christmas season is official. In my books it lasts from the first snow to the last, so that should give me a good four of five months this year. :D
Here's a couple of pics of my walk to the office.

Oh ya, one of my girls sent me a message that she is bringing some extras to small group tonight, so you can pray for us!
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Fried Bananas
Thumbs up from me. Definitely worth it! :D I haven't had fried bananas for soooo long and last night decided to make one on whim. I don't even normally eat bananas except in smoothies! It was great.
I'm really enjoying having internet at home. I do tend to live on my computer a bit, but I don't think that will last long. Right now I am enjoying chatting with friends and family and having internet at home means that I can do that despite time change.
The last few days have been rather stressful for me as I had to adjust to being "it" at the office. Meaning that with both mum and dad gone, I'm the answer person for everyone. Generally it has gone well and since we have gotten them off we're settling into a bit of a routine, which hopefully means that I'll be able to get some of "my own" work done. I often arrive at the end of a day feeling like I haven't accomplished anything because I've been so busy helping everyone else accomplish their work. But this week I have actually opened up some of the files that I need to finish for New Testament Survey 2 before it is sent off to the translator, so that is a good start! And it is only Tuesday. Of course, I won't be here on Friday because of Thanksgiving, but...
I would very much appreciate your prayers as I manage the office in the next month. We've made some changes in job descriptions and implemented a few other changes and it is now my job to see them through and make sure that people are doing what they are supposed to do. Naturally, this is not always a pleasant task and I actually already had to deal with one little "situation" yesterday and I see several more cropping up on the horizon. I love managing the office in general, but it is never fun to have to be the one who metes out discipline. Please pray that I would be wise, gentle and godly in my handling of the situations as they come up and also that I would be able to put the necessary stops into place so that these kind of situations do not arise more than necessary.
I'm really enjoying having internet at home. I do tend to live on my computer a bit, but I don't think that will last long. Right now I am enjoying chatting with friends and family and having internet at home means that I can do that despite time change.
The last few days have been rather stressful for me as I had to adjust to being "it" at the office. Meaning that with both mum and dad gone, I'm the answer person for everyone. Generally it has gone well and since we have gotten them off we're settling into a bit of a routine, which hopefully means that I'll be able to get some of "my own" work done. I often arrive at the end of a day feeling like I haven't accomplished anything because I've been so busy helping everyone else accomplish their work. But this week I have actually opened up some of the files that I need to finish for New Testament Survey 2 before it is sent off to the translator, so that is a good start! And it is only Tuesday. Of course, I won't be here on Friday because of Thanksgiving, but...
I would very much appreciate your prayers as I manage the office in the next month. We've made some changes in job descriptions and implemented a few other changes and it is now my job to see them through and make sure that people are doing what they are supposed to do. Naturally, this is not always a pleasant task and I actually already had to deal with one little "situation" yesterday and I see several more cropping up on the horizon. I love managing the office in general, but it is never fun to have to be the one who metes out discipline. Please pray that I would be wise, gentle and godly in my handling of the situations as they come up and also that I would be able to put the necessary stops into place so that these kind of situations do not arise more than necessary.
Sunday, November 4, 2007
So, in small group last week since it was on October 31 and all I brought up Halloween through some Halloween word searches and another game type exercise. I figured if you can't beat 'em, join 'em! No, not really. I haven't settled any views particularly on Halloween. Of course, over here I don't have to, not being faced with it generally.
Naturally, it was interesting for my unbelievers, but a bit of an eye-opener for my believers. I think they were shocked that I would use that to teach English in an evangelistic group! lol But it was good to bridge that world-Christian gap a little, so I am glad I did it.
This week I have made chocolate chip cookies, for a taste of America. Maybe I can find some exercises that go along with food. I think food will be our extra-bible thought for discussion this week.
Keep praying!
Naturally, it was interesting for my unbelievers, but a bit of an eye-opener for my believers. I think they were shocked that I would use that to teach English in an evangelistic group! lol But it was good to bridge that world-Christian gap a little, so I am glad I did it.
This week I have made chocolate chip cookies, for a taste of America. Maybe I can find some exercises that go along with food. I think food will be our extra-bible thought for discussion this week.
Keep praying!
Esther Bible,
Prayer Requests,
small group
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