I am at home sick today. Again. Sigh. This is the third/fourth day that I've been sick this week. It started on Monday with extra tiredness, but I just thought it had been from the long weekend and extra travel. Tuesday I ended up leaving early, wondering if I was ust being silly ('til I looked into the mirror and saw my pale face and realized that it was obviously not "all in my head"). Naturally, I thought I'd be "right as rain" by Wednesday, then Thursday, then today. I'm beginning to have my doubts about tomorrow though...
Today, however, I am determined to go into the office for the staff meeting this afternoon. My legs are so weak beneath me that I feel like I can hardly walk the length of my apartment and I wasn't sure how I was to make it all the way to the office, but I realized, thankfully, that I can take a taxi. The price of taxi's keeps going up and I know I won't be able to afford them forever, but right now they are still a blessing. I remember when you could go anywhere in this city for a dollar. Now it is 2-3 (and when they try to rip you off more) and the prices keep going up. I should say that it is probably more like 2.5 to 4 right now depending on where you are going. Times have changes, cost of living continues to increas. It does seem a shocking waste however to pay $2 to get to the bus station and then be able to go on a four and half hour bus ride to Kyiv for only $8! Enough of that.
Today we have beautiful snow. It is quite making up for last year when we had virtually none. There must be more than six inches out there. I will post some pictures later today or tomorrow (have to get the cord for my camera from my office).
In the meantime you can pray for me as I battle this bout of ill health. I need to talk to the office about certain issues (like punctuality, although how I am supposed to do that when I haven't been there AT ALL myself this week...sigh) and I also need to explain to them that for me to be sick for a week or two at a time is nothing to worry about. How do you teach people to have faith in God and even in His ability to heal when you at the same time have to convince them that it is really no big deal for you to be sick frequently and that it is, as a matter of fact, an accepted part of your life? For me being sick all the time helps me to have the more faith in God that it is all in His hands and that He can indeed use such a broken vessel as I. I have work to do, but He knows that and I am very certain that He will enable me to accopmplish it in the time He has allotted. (which may or may not be in the time that I have allotted)
Oh well, so pray for me as I talk to the office and that God would give me wisdom to know how to explain to them that just because I am chronically ill it is really nothing for them to worry their pretty little heads over! :D
Um... yeah, it's ok for people to worry about you, you know? :) but not "fret" yeah, Sare and i have been all over mom about being so sick... she finally went to the dr. and is better now... anyway... morning sickness is not for wimps, nor only in the morning... back to laying down!