Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Bursting at the Seams

Oh my word! Last night my living room exploded with people! It was great! There were a total of 12 of us--unfortunately, I only have seating for ten. It was cozy. I also discovered that if I collect all of my cups and teacups I have maybe 17 or so. I'm looking forward to those last two suitcases coming from America. (they have my mugs)
I think next week maybe we'll talk about travel. That should be good for a large group. We'll also do the whole of Mark 3 very likely unless we run into some odd snag that I don't foresee at this exact moment.
But gotta run, I'm on devotions this morning so gotta make sure I'm ready!
Oh, and I'll be going to my sister's for the weekend. So I leave tomorrow (which means I need to book a spot on the bus today, must not forget) morning and come back Sunday afternoon. Seven hours there and seven back...but I'm sure I'll enjoy my time there!

1 comment:

  1. Crying that I can't take that little tiny marshutka with you, forever and a day, to see Dan, Pris and the kids!! ***wahh wahh wahhh*** PLEASE give them HUGE HUGS from Auntie Melissa :)
