We're finishing up the Christian Marriage course and hope to have it ready by the end of the month. We're also continuing on the doctrine course. The English version should be done by the end of the month and the Russian by the end of the summer.
I would definitely appreciate your prayers for the doctrine course. Actually, more so for all of our staff. They all need clarity and focus and health to finish this in time. Pray esp. for Kostia who has been having some more migraines recently again. He is our first step in the Russian process as he translates it so the others can keep working. Lena is our next step, she checks the translation to make sure that nothing gets missed or left out. After that is Peter, who checks the grammar and punctuation and spelling and all those fun details (and grammar in Russian is a lot more complicated than in English!); Peter has high blood pressure and I am quite concerned for his health, please intercede for him that God would give him strength and clarity and the ability to move quickly yet with quality through the material (he is our bottle-neck, because he is the only one who can do his job).
So, as you can see, it is quite a lengthy process and each person needs to be able to do their part so that the next can do theirs. There is no point in skipping people; it is a step-by-step process.
And we need each link to hold strong until we are done. I would definitely appreciate your prayers for them all.
*In the pictures above you'll see Julia (our secretary, and pinch-hitter for some of the editing); and in the second picture: L-R Alia, Lilia and Lena.
PS. I would appreciate prayers for my electricity. The electric went off in my apartment without warning or reason on Saturday morning, then last night the whole building was out of electricity and again this morning. This really cuts into my work, since no power=no internet and no computer (I'm at my mum's today, out of desperation, but my sister and nieces are staying here so while it is fun, it is not a conducive environment to work in).
Jealous. I wanna be at mom's with your sister and our nieces!