I didn't sleep very well last night. For some reason I am having great urgency about the need to talk to Lika about getting saved. She's lived with me for 2 and a half months and now just out of the blue, all of a sudden, I have such great urgency to talk to her about this that I feel compelled to do so!
I am going to go over to her apt. around 1ish (my lunch break) to talk to her. I know that she will probably be there alone and that I have a better chance of being able to talk to her about this there, than when we are at home (at my place) with her mum and Carmen around.
Most of you probably won't read this before then, but for those who do...please pray for the right words and that Lika would respond. This will not be the first time someone has challenged her to get saved.
For those of you who read this later, you can still pray for God's work in her heart. I don't know how she'll respond today. I do know that God has been at work, although since she is a reserved person it is difficult to tell what she is really feeling or thinking. Pray that whatever happens today that God would use my words in her life and the love that He gives her through me. That this conversation would bring her closer to Him rather than turn her away from Him.
I just feel so burdened about this right now and I don't understand the urgency of it, but am praying that He will use it for His glory and her salvation!
Will still be praying for Lika. Of course I can send you some tiger balm. Maybe you have sent me your address before but I can't find it. So send me again, thanks.