The second picture is of our supper "table". Another one of those cultural things. I don't have a table in my kitchen as there isn't really room and I don't feel the need. I have a table in the living room that I use when I have guests. Lika, however, feels that it is too much effort to take the food out there (it's easier to carry the chairs into the kitchen), and besides we might spill and mess up the table cloth, or spill on the floor and have to clean it up... So, we eat at the kitchen counter, which is supremely awkward and unique for conversation! On the other hand, it keeps Tyotya Luba away from me, which probably enables her to eat her food in peace without having to look at the evil foreignor. :D As you may have noticed, she turned her back in this picture and has refused to let me take any of her. Do pray for her, she must be a most unhappy woman. :(
On a completely different topic: I just found out that my cousin has cancer; brain tumors to be exact. He only found out on Monday and he is having surgery today to see what they can do, then they will begin radiation. Please pray for him and his family, wife and three kids six and under. Also for his parents and siblings and our grandparents. Jeremy is 37. It is a shock to us all and even though I don't know my cousin well, I still feel like it is part of a nightmare. Thank you for your prayers.
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