Tomorrow I am taking some of my office staff to help Lika clean out her apartment. Hopefully we'll actually be able to help her. Please pray that we are able to actually be of good benefit to her and get some work done on the apartment as well as that we are able to find some people from the local churches who would be willing to do some of the repairs at cost or for free.
For some reason I am feeling stressed about going to Lika's tomorrow. I'm not sure why. I think I just so badly want to help her and I am afraid that we won't actually be of much assistance. Additionally, Vasia, the one of us who might actually know what he is doing, probably won't be able to help much because his wife is scheduled for delivery (c-section or induced I don't know) tomorrow. Pray that we are able to really be of assistance to her even though none of us really know what we are doing. And esp. that this would be a witness to her and her mother and daughter. And that it would relieve some of her stress. I think that is why I am feeling stressed, just because I want to help lift her burden so much and while I certainly do pray I know that there must be more that I can do. Tonight I went through my closet and picked out as many items as I could that I don't wear or rarely wear or that I feel I can spare for her as she is a similar size to me. Unfortunately there isn't a lot of winter clothing there.
Pray that I would be able to relax and sleep well tonight (could only sleep three hours last night because I was so tense and it is late again already). And pray that this would be a good experience for the office as well. I feel it is an opportunity to get them involved in "community service" as well as a good team building "activity", but since I don't really know what we are going to end up doing I also realize that it could just be a total flop and they may end up feeling like it was a waste of time (although I'm paying them anyway, so I suppose they'd just be able to count it as a "day off" if we aren't able to do much).
Showing love is NEVER a waste, and that is the main goal of going... to show you care and do what you can!! Just having extra hands to scrub down walls and surfaces will be a blessing I'm sure!!!