Two of our girls got sick yesterday: Ira and Alia. Ira is apparently feeling better today, but had a Sunday School teachers seminar to attend so she isn't in. Alia, on the other hand, is probably feeling pretty miserable. She is one of those people who never gets sick, so when she does it is really horrible. I only remember her being sick one other time, but she was sick for two weeks! So do pray for her. She is a key person and we have several projects pending on her presence.
Additionally, Lena, who has a daughter in kindergarten, told us today that if the kindergarten doesn't get heat by Monday they are closing until the heat comes on. That means she'll have to stay home to take care of her daughter for probably a week. I would be thrilled if they turned the heat on this weekend, but I don't actually expect them to turn it on until Nov. 1 and I'm not even sure about that. However, there is more hope for that as the temps are supposed to drop below freezing the first few days in November. This kindergarten closing thing is coming from a higher up source, so it means it won't affect just that kindergarten, but all of them all over the city. Which will in turn affect a lot of people's jobs. Efficiency was never a communist strong point.
On a more fun note: I overslept this morning and walked out of my building to find construction workers filling in the multitudinous potholes in the drive/road. This particular section is so bad that you basically just have to walk your cars wheels from one pothole into the next. There's no avoiding them. So they are filling them in. Happy thought. Except they are using very large gravel to do so. I'm not sure what they expect of this. The largest pothole does have a dirt base because of some construction done, but the other potholes that they were filling in are just in the asphalt. Large gravel on top of hard asphalt = ? It just cracked me up! Talk about a non-fix fix! :P
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