The way I feel right now I am not sure waht is up and what is down. I don't even know where to start blogging, I can't believe it's been a week in between posts! What's happening to me!
Deep breath.
Okay, update on the cats, since I know you are all holding your breath about them. ;) The dark one brought her kittens to visit last week and now they would all like to move in.
In other breaking news, I am moving out of my apartment in the middle of October. I'll be moving into and taking over my parents' house. I'm fine with that, but not really looking forward to the actual moving part of things. I have a fair amount of furniture that I'll need to either get rid of or put into storage since mum and dad's place is already fully furnished. I was hoping that my landlords would buy the kitchen from me (all the cabinets are mine--actually everything, except the kitchen sink, the faucets are mine though). They were interested but said that right now they couldn't afford it because of some other business commitments that they have. Please pray that between now and September they decide they can afford it. My last month of rent there would cover almost half of the cost. And for me it would be a big boon, of course, not to have to move it all out.
Besides all that, which just got sorted out this morning, the office is swamped. We are trying to get three courses prepped for printing by the middle of next week and it just means a lot of work for me and for everyone else. On the other hand, it would be such a relief to have these done before I leave in the middle of next week! And of course, I am trying to get ready to leave as well...
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