Some of them are things that have already passed, like being able to visit my family--all of them! over this summer, as well as being able to visit many of my friends again. Beyond that there are things like the protection He placed over me while I was traveling this summer, that I had no accidents or break-downs on the road, even though the car was old.
And of course one of the blessings that I am most aware of presently and very grateful for is my apartment. I'm uploading a few pictures so that you can see it again. You may want to go into my blog archives and look at the old pics to see the difference, it really is huge! I really love my apartment. I've liked many of the places that I've lived before, but this one I do love! And just about every week I discover another store or something that makes the location even more convenient than I had any way of knowing when I first rented it.

And here is the living room. Also looking significantly better than the last picture I posted. You can see I still need to do the curtains and what not, but it is coming along quite well. Hopefully next month I'll be able to get a rug for in front of the couch as well.

You can see a little of the hallway in this picture of the living room. And the last pic is of my sewing room since I didn't include any last time. You can see the balcony door there. I have such a spacious balcony on that side it is really lovely. I'm hoping to put plants out there eventually.
Anyway, it is really just a perfect apartment for me--not too big, not too little. So PTL!
..and the car broke down nearly immediately after you stopped needing it!!!