Okay, so my life has been a bit of a whirl wind this week trying to get my feet back on the ground here in Minnesota. I feel like I hit the ground running and have been catching up with myself ever since. :)
I'm trying to get myself going at the office here to complete the necessary work before I begin traveling in the end of June. There is also packing to be done at home and making all the travel arrangements. In between that and trying to catch up with friends here (a large number of which are moving too) it's been a little busy! But also fun!
I'm really enjoying my time back here in the States. It'll be nice to settle in in Ukraine, but in the mean time it is really wonderful to have a few weeks to meet and enjoy friends here in the US.
So, on to the prayer requests:
Aside from enjoying my time here and having fun with friends and all I also need to think about raising support in three areas. There is the obvious financial need and of course prayer support, but I am also looking for people who in addition to praying for me or supporting me financially or completely aside form those things, I am looking for people who will reach out to me as a person. You know, somebody who will send a birthday or Christmas card or email, send a care package or maybe even think about visiting me at some point. I guess, I'm not just looking for people's money, but for their personal involvment. It takes a lot more effort to do that than just write a check, so I would appreciate prayers for people who will become involved in those ways. As well as financial and prayer partners of course. :)
I'm also working on putting together some information about me and what I do and I would appreciate your prayers for that too.
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