Yesterday was the perfect fall day. A bit nippy in the morning, warmed up and a bit sunny but still a bit overcast in the afternoon. And it was a blustery day. Driving home from the market I was watching leaves tumble across the street as gusts of wind came and went. Watching their haphazard paths made me wonder where they had started and where they would end up.
Sometimes I feel like my life is like that, I just go wherever God blows me. Ukraine, India, back and forth, America, Ukraine, and America again. Different states, different cities, different family.
Some days it is tiring. Some days it is exhilarating. Sometimes it is lonely. Sometimes it is a blessing to know so many different people in so many different places.
Today I am wondering where my journey will lead. I feel like my leaf has been blown across the world and back again, it's changed colors, people have enjoyed its beauty as it tumbled across the road, hated it as they raked it off their lawns. But the question is where will it end up? How many more lives will it affect, come into contact with? Challenge or lift up?