Thursday, October 28, 2010

Trip Pictures!

So, I thought I'd give you a little recap of my fall travels.
From August 17 to October 10 I was on the road. It started out with a few days with my sister and her family in Ukraine, then flying to Ohio where I technically stayed for a month, but traveled about 14 days out of that month to places like Pennsylvania and Virginia.
On September 22 I began the drive out west to Oregon. Stopped off in Indiana to visit friends for a couple of nights then passed up into Minnesota where I stay for over a week with various friends and visiting the mission and a couple of churches.
The first week in October saw me heading up into Canada, which is where most of these pictures are from. I drove through Manitoba this time just because I could and figured I should. If I do that again I may even remember that I have friends living there and stop to see them. Manitoba is where I saw the alien windmills (yes, I have seen these before, but on that landscape they really did look alien).
I made it all the way to Saskatchewan in one day. Overnighted there and visited a friend, then went on through to Alberta (where I failed to get a picture of the sign, but took pictures of the mountains instead to prove that I was really there). After a few days in Alberta (a very few because I forgot about the holiday weekend--for the uninitiated: Canadian Thanksgiving is the second Monday in October; so I had to smoosh my whole trip up by several days).
The last leg of my trip took me from Calgary to Oregon. I overnighted someplace in BC just north of the border (like 10 miles or so). But I chose to take the scenic route through the Rockies and am so glad I did! Those mountains will never cease but to amaze me.
I made it to Oregon safe and sound on October 10, and have been here ever since. At the moment, most of my time is still being spent getting settled in. I got an apartment a week ago and God has been busy furnishing it. Unfortunately, at the end of my travels my poor car was rather exhausted and pretty well collapsed in a heap and has just been limping around doing my bidding. But, God took care of that too. I was able to take it to a good mechanic yesterday who diagnosed and promptly fixed it (took him the whole day--apparently the cooling system was getting tired of cooling). I'm just amazed that God just worked it all out that this guy would be able to fix my car right away--and that I had the money to pay for it!

I am really overwhelmed by how God has provided for me here, but I will post more about that another day.
For now, thanks for praying me safely here!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Still Kicking

They say time flies when you are having fun, but I think it just flies when you are keeping busy. Which apparently I have been. I don't know where the last two weeks went, but I'm in Oregon now and have been for just over a week. Which is difficult to believe. I slept in the same bed for like six nights in a row! I think that's a record for the last two months.
I'm still adjusting to the fact that I am at my "end destination", it doesn't quite feel like that yet, but then maybe that is because I'm not yet. I move into my apartment on Thursday, which will be a relief. I've been staying with my sil Melissa's parents, which has been absolutely wonderful--I have my own suite and unlimited access to the kitchen and pretty much have the whole house to myself during the day. But ya, still not my own place.
In the meantime, I've been filling my days with family time, shopping for stuff for my apartment and more time with family. :) I am enjoying that, but am soo very much looking forward to having a bit of a routine again.
I've also been working on getting some of my medical stuff sorted out and I have some doctor's appointments in about two weeks, so I would really appreciate prayer for those. Pray for a doctor who understands holistic medicine and won't write me off as someone just looking for drugs or a hypochondriac or whatever. I really need someone who is willing to work with me, not just at me. I'm also still working on getting the financial side of all these things worked out, so pray for perseverance and diligence for me in that. :) (Yes, lots of paperwork!)
And in between everything else, I thank the Lord every day for the beautiful fall colors here. So many trees are turning bright red and I love it! It is amazing to go out in the middle of October and only need a sweater.

Monday, October 4, 2010


So, here I am in the middle of Saskatchewan catching my breath overnight so that I can continue my journey tomorrow. I can't believe that I only have one more week of travels left.
Today I went from Fargo, ND through Manitoba and into Saskatchewan. I had wanted to take more time on this part of the trip, but forgot about Canadian Thanksgiving when I was making my original travel plans so had to reshuffle mid-trip. Now I am only in Canada for six days instead of ten, but enjoying them nonetheless.
Today as I was driving through Manitoba I was enjoying the scenery so much (no, that is not sarcastic--thank you). It's been years since I was in the prairies and could see for miles and I had forgotten how much I had missed that and the wind! Somehow the wind is a beautiful thing to me. Ya, it messes my hair, but it can be so gentle and so powerful at the same time.
I saw huge windmills in some areas. Like weird alien implantations and yet these amazing modern sculptures through which we harness the energy of the sky.
Listening to the radio and flipping channels I, of course, came across French channels and was thinking about the Tower of Babel. Thank goodness for that! It has created so much disunity in the world through miscommunication that we haven't been able to put our minds together to really do the really amazing things that we are capable of--and through which we would most likely develop bigger than big heads. White windmills dotting the landscape, harnessing the power of the air is enough for today.