Monday, November 16, 2009

Shopping :-o

I was rereading my last post--something I rarely do, to be honest--and laughing at myself.
I did conquer the basement, and without Becky's help! I still don't like it and I keep the door to the basement locked (and a flimsy lock it is, but let's just pretend that it is helpful, ok?). I think some of those things will feel better once my parents arrive in a few days.
I am still adjusting to the American life. Some things really are so much easier here, but I am missing Ukraine too. I miss walking to work. I miss walking anywhere other than up and down the aisles of Walmart (although, in the ideal world, there would be Walmart in Ukraine, or everyone in America would walk to work). And no, I'm not complaining about walking in Walmart, for those of you who are deprived of that at this moment--I'm just saying that I miss walking outdoors. And if I don't have a purpose, well, I'm not a good walker.
I've been a bit stressed these last few days. Took me a bit to realize that it is because of all the shopping. Shopping is supposed to be fun. :| I think it is just the mass amounts of it and the mass spending that freak me out. I know I've saved for a while for this. And yes, I only had three fall/winter shirts left (and when I looked at them I realized that two of them were a little sad), so it was time to go shopping. I just don't like to part with my money unless I am spending it on gifts for someone else.
And, of course, as if my own shopping wasn't bad enough, I am buying stuff for my brother's wedding (Hi Anya!)--on his bankroll, of course--but I just feel so extravagant! I don't think I've ever spent so much money in so little time just shopping! (airplane tickets don't count) It's a little overwhelming! But fun too. :D I'm thankful for the opportunity to help out and be involved.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Arrived...last week

So, yes, I did arrive safe and sound onto American soil.
It was not the best trip I've ever had mostly because I got hit with some stomach thing on my first flight which seems to have hung on until now. Finally went out and got some medicine for it today as I would like to enjoy the rest of this week, not spend it laying on the couch or the floor moaning and whining to anyone who comes in contact with me. :D Also picked up some coke--the miracle drug; and pseudophedrine--the other miracle drug, at least when it comes to migraines for me.
America is a wonderful place. Overwhelming. But wonderful. I arrived here to a cool house, but was able to find the thermostat and set the heat at whatever temperature I wanted (I'm still trying to figure out what I want, partly because I am used to celsius and partly because I am not used to having controllable warmth). I'm so used to having my heating controlled by someone else that it is quite a novel thing to have the power to change that myself. AND I don't have to worry about my music being too loud or my alarm clock (which it is--scares the living daylights out of me, I'm liable to start waking up before it just to turn it off so I don't die of a heart-attack) or any of those kinds of things because I am in a house! However, the down side is that it does have a basement (still haven't been down there--should go soon though, need to do laundry; maybe I can wait till Becky comes in a couple of days and can hold my hand and scare away all the creepies down there :D ). Also, it is on the ground floor and there are no bars over the windows or extra locks on the doors!!! Just thinking about that freaks me out! Guess my family's been robbed enough (usually when we weren't home, but not always) and having lived in rather larger cities than this most of my life; well, it's amazing to me how safe things must be here.
Plus, I can just go hop in my car and drive around the corner to the bank (I was able to get some bank issues cleared up in 15 minutes that I had worked on for a month in Ukraine, but because I wasn't here, in country, they just didn't know how to deal with it); or to any number of fast food places, all of which make me nauseated at this point just thinking about them; or to Walmart or a craft store or shoe store (where they actually sell shoes that are comfortable and that fit! :-o ). I can get sweet potatoes and acorn squash and creme sticks. Ginger ale. Turkeys! Italian sausage that I don't have to make myself. And canned tomatoes that don't still have the skin on them. Miracles never cease.
So, I'm enjoying my time here. I'm feeling a bit lonely today, but probably more because I've been sick than because I'm lacking people attention. I've seen my grandparents several times, which I am just LOVING. I'm talking to friends and family on the phone and have gone out with and have plans to go out with friends. I even have a friend coming from MN to visit me this week.
All around, God is good and I am feeling blessed--stomach ache or no.
I'm just amazed that I'm in the States right now. Somehow doesn't seem quite real.