Monday, August 31, 2009

Fall is Coming

I looked out the kitchen window today and realized that fall is very much on the way. It is the last day of August. The last day of summer in my mind. September is when school starts here and our office will open up again tomorrow as well. The summer is gone, along with all the activities that I was busy with. Mum and Dad's anniversary is celebrated, I've been to Russian school, I've had my vacation and renewed my visa. All my friends who left the city for summer ministry are back and settling back into routine here again.
Now, I too am looking forward to the routine of fall. The office work will settle down to a more steady, less frantic, pace. My life will settle into a bit of a routine with work at the office, small group, coffee with friends, church and hopefully some other activities like exercise and quilting too all happening on a regular basis.
It was a good summer. Busy. Stressful. Challenging. I learned a lot about myself and came out of the shell that I've so carefully built around myself from years of being sick (hence the stress, change is always stressful, even if it is for the best). I feel a little like a turtle who has poked his head out and decided that there is a lot of good in life outside his shell. There are still lots of adjustments to make, and I still need to safeguard my health, but it has been wonderful to be able to be so much more active--to actually be able to participate in life, not merely survive through it. It's been a novel journey and one that I hope to continue.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Off to Turkey

I've just spent the weekend with my sister and family and now am off to Turkey for a vacation/visa renewal stint. Please pray that things go really smoothly with the visa renewal part as it looks like it could be a bit of a hassle travel-wise. Pray that we'll both be able to have a good, restful vacation despite the visa renewal business. I'm going with another missionary friend, Saron.

Friday, August 14, 2009


My Russian course concluded yesterday. I was sorry to see it end. I have sooo much to learn. I feel lilke I could study for another two months before really grasping some of the grammar. But hopefully I'll at least tune into people using correct grammar now and be able to mimic it. I know that I will understand a lot of nuances of language better. I would like to continue studying on my own in the fall, but we'll see if I am able to do that amidst my other responsibilities.
My personal conclusion when I came to the end of the course was that I have a great accent, but such positively aweful grammar that I'm surprised people can understand me at all. It was rather depressing actually. I feel like I have this huge mountain before me, and I can't climb it, I have to move it shovel-full by shovel-full because otherwise I won't really ever learn to speak well.
I hope I retain the half of what I "learned" in this course. Thankfully, we do have a really good workbook, so if I am able to study on my own that will help me along the way.
I'm curious to see why God has suddenly given me this interest in learning Russian. For all the years I've been here I have never had a great interest in studying the language. It's always been a means to an end, not something that was valuable in and of itself. Then, sometime last fall, or early winter I began thinking about studying Russian, but couldn't see how it would be possible given my work schedule and energy levels. But God provided this intensive course which fit so well into my schedule. Such a blessing!
Actually, just writing about that has cheered me up. If God has brought me this far then certainly He will bring me to the conclusion that He desires for me with Russian. I would, personally, love to learn to speak really fluently. To give each word the nuance of meaning that I precisely want it to have. But, perhaps that isn't what God has. We'll see. I'm sure He'll make possible what He wants me to do.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Sunday again!

Time is just going by waaaaaaay too quickly! I'm up to the last week of my Russian course. Which I am both sorry for and thankful for. Thankful because my brain is quickly reaching its capacity so I am finding it harder to apply myself to my studies because I tire out so much more quickly. I am just finding it hard to absorb all of this new information. But sorry because I have felt it to be a really helpful course. The teacher has commented a couple of times that he feels my grammar has improved already. I hope it is so, although I personally am not quite so convinced, but I hope he feels encouraged by that! lol
Over the past week I have realized that I learn Russian very differently from everyone else in the class. For everyone else it is a foreign language. They spend a lot of time translating from English into Russian, which totally messes up sentence structure because in Russian things are just phrased very differently (like often the subject is not stated it is just understood; or when you are showing possession you don't say, "That is dad's car;" you say "That car dad's [or That car of dad.]."). I frustrate a lot of people becuase I don't translate things from English into Russian, so I make a really lousy translator because I understand it all myself, but when I think in Russian I am in Russian; I'm not half in English. That will probably only make sense to those of you who have studied a second language. I learn Russian from within Russian. Most of my new vocabularly is explained to me in Russian. I rarely use an English-Russian dictionary because I learn new vocabularly from context or by having someone explain a word to me (Actually, I don't even own an English-Russian dictionary, which I am a bit embarassed to admit.). If I really need a word translated, I ask one of my office staff. :D I love to delegate! The problem is that language learning can't really be delegated.
Anyway, because of the way that I have learned most of my Russian, I have had to backtrack a little during this course and review some things so that I could work in the same way as the rest of the class. I am still not there, but I'm catching on. I don't think I'll ever make a good translator though. When I am in Russian, I am in Russian. I catch myself thinking in Russian all the time--and sometimes it drives me nuts because I know that I am saying things with incorrect grammar in my head, but I don't know how to correct it; now I will! Actually, now with this course, I have been literally eating, sleeping and breathing Russian grammar. When my mind is not otherwise occupied I discover that I am declining nouns or conjugating verbs or forming scentences. I'm sure my teacher would be proud, but it gets a little wearing when you can't get away from it.
Obviously, I am really enjoying this Russian course and feel that it was worth every penny. I'm very glad that I've had this opportunity and I do really feel that the Lord has been blessing it and helping me to grasp a lot of the information that is being thrown at me.
This next week, being the last week, will be the heaviest, but even more so because we have decided to finish a day early so we are adding an extra 1 1/2 hours of class time to every day. Which means for me, that I will be in class from 8:30am to about 3:30/4:00pm Mon.-Wed. Then on Wed. we have a take-home exam and Thursday will be our last day. Naturally, this is somewhat insane. The more so, considering that I already have about 20 hours of homework that I haven't been able to do and with doubling up classes we'll have even more homework every day as well. I feel daunted just thinking about it.
Please be in extra prayer this week. For a clear mind for studies. For good health (I didn't really have any migraines this week, PTL! but I did miss a day of class from being sick in general). For motivation--as the homework piles up and I know there is just way more than I can do I am losing some of my motivation to do any of it. And just in general that God would bless this time for all of us. I was not the only one who was sick last week. Several people missed one or two days of class. And it is just obvious that we are all getting tired. We frequently get onto rabbit trails now.
After this week, I will spend a few days at my sister's place and then I am going to Turkey to renew my visa and for a vacation. Please pray that everything would go smoothly with the arrangements for that too. I've had some problems with my bank in trying to get the trip paid for. And now it seems that there might be another problem with my bank. Please pray that that would all get sorted out quickly and painlessly as that is, of course, adding to my stress at the moment.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Grace for the Humble

I was reading in James this morning and came across the verse that says that God gives grace to the humble. I was thinking about yesterday's post and about how the pain/illness that I have does keep me humble. It keeps me reliant on God.
I am such an independant person that even with this I am always trying to do everything on my own. It is humbling to me to share about my pain/illness and ask for prayer. But I know perfectly well that I am reliant on you as well. I know the power of prayer and that it will make a difference.
I guess it was God's way of reminding me that I need, not healing, but grace and strength for today. Because without this I would be less effective for Him (although perhaps more effective for myself or in the world's eyes, but I am friends with God, not the world).
And this is a praise too, because I feel less discouraged by the pain now as I know that He will carry me through and it is an opportunity for Him to receive glory and honor and praise.

Still Studying :D

Just a couple of prayer requests really and one or two praises.
Praises first off: I am learning a lot. A lot of things are just falling into place and my teacher feels that even in just these few days my grammar has improved. I know that I certainly am grasping the concepts of the grammatical structure, but I am not as certain as he is of my improvement in spoken Russian. :)
For me it has been a crash course, not just on grammar, but also on writing and reading in Russian. I have always been able to read in Russian, but it is one thing to read signs and notes and what not and another to read books. And writing, I just generally avoided. Plus here, all the writing is done in cursive which I have always found difficult. However, last week I turned in an essay in Russian. I have another due this week (actually tomorrow, but that is so not going to happen). Phonetically, I speak better Russian than any other person in the class, but grammar-wise I am at the very bottom (albeit quickly catching up). It is a challenge, which I love. I'm realy enjoying it. I enjoy both being in class and doing my homework, just wish I had more time to get all my homework in.
I do need prayer though, physically I am struggling. I had at least four migraines last week and so far none this week (PTL), but this week (and last week) my back is really bothering me. It is difficult to sit in class all day and then come home and sit and do homework. I do exercises and I lay down some, but of course my studying suffers when I lay down. I'm also having an upsurge in carpal tunnel pain in my right hand (thankfully, I am left-handed), but it is very painful and distracting. I'm also having just general aches and pains from weather changes and things like that (fun stuff, makes me sound like I'm 100 instead of 30). Anyway, I would just really appreciate your prayers for my physical strength and well-being.
Also for my visa situation, I'm supposed to be going on vacation/renewing my visa in Turkey in about 10-14 days, but nothing has been booked yet because of general busyness and needing to transfer money and stuff like that. Please pray that I will be at peace about it and not let that add to my stress load. And that it will all come together well and I'll be able to renew my visa there without extra hang-ups.
I'm feeling a little discouraged tonight about the pain. I think I am just tired generally and pushing myself really hard (surprise : ). But I am also definitely having more pain than I was anticipating which is frustrating.